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Course Description

PRLC 3810 examines the world's wicked problems. Spanning security, population, energy, disease, investment, and terrorism, the class focused on dissecting how certain world views and globalization have impacted each group of issues.

PRLC 3810: About

Course Reflection

In Global Issues in Leadership, we worked toward not just learning about major issues in today’s global society but thinking toward how leaders might start to address them. The major takeaway that I learned from this class is that leadership is about incremental changes. To tackle climate change or migration or food insecurity takes a shift in the way that I was understanding my role as leader. It necessitates learning that you are a small piece of a greater movement. In effect, you are a follower supporting progress toward a common goal.


Part of the course was dedicated toward different groups working to understand one specific issue. My group looked at security and a number of factors that determine how individuals and greater communities find security in their day-to-day processes. Specifically, we looked at how physical, economic, political and cyber security can influence prosperity or lack there of. There are leaders at each of these levels from a personal to an international sphere, who influence the greater outcome.


For one of our main case studies, we examined how food insecurity in Yemen might be partially addressed by aquaculture. At the time, we were really proud of this piece toward a solution. We thought that it was viable and would create good in the lives of those who needed it. In the time since this project, food insecurity in Yemen has only worsened. Reflecting on this exposes the reality of leadership studies. Learning now is good, but it only means something when you actually work towards change.

PRLC 3810: Welcome
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